Module Univ

module UGlobal : sig ... end

Qualified global universe level

module Level : sig ... end


module Universe : sig ... end

univ_level_mem l u Is l is mentioned in u ?

val univ_level_mem : Level.t -> Universe.t -> bool

univ_level_rem u v min removes u from v, resulting in min if v was exactly u.

val univ_level_rem : Level.t -> Universe.t -> Universe.t -> Universe.t
type constraint_type = AcyclicGraph.constraint_type =
| Lt
| Le
| Eq
type univ_constraint = Level.t * constraint_type * Level.t
module Constraints : sig ... end
type 'a constrained = 'a * Constraints.t

A value with universe Constraints.t.

val constraints_of : 'a constrained -> Constraints.t


type 'a constraint_function = 'a -> 'a -> Constraints.t -> Constraints.t

Enforcing Constraints.t.

val enforce_eq_level : Level.t constraint_function
val enforce_leq_level : Level.t constraint_function

Universe contexts (as sets)

A set of universes with universe Constraints.t. We linearize the set to a list after typechecking. Beware, representation could change.

module ContextSet : sig ... end
type 'a in_universe_context_set = 'a * ContextSet.t

A value in a universe context set.

type universe_level_subst = Level.t Level.Map.t
val empty_level_subst : universe_level_subst
val is_empty_level_subst : universe_level_subst -> bool
val subst_univs_level_level : universe_level_subst -> Level.t -> Level.t

Substitution of universes.

val subst_univs_level_universe : universe_level_subst -> Universe.t -> Universe.t
val subst_univs_level_constraints : universe_level_subst -> Constraints.t -> Constraints.t
Pretty-printing of universes.
val pr_constraint_type : constraint_type -> Pp.t
val pr_universe_context_set : (Level.t -> Pp.t) -> ContextSet.t -> Pp.t
val pr_universe_level_subst : (Level.t -> Pp.t) -> universe_level_subst -> Pp.t
val hcons_univ : Universe.t -> Universe.t
val hcons_constraints : Constraints.t -> Constraints.t
val hcons_universe_set : Level.Set.t -> Level.Set.t
val hcons_universe_context_set : ContextSet.t -> ContextSet.t