This module centralizes the various ways of registering tactics.
val push_tactic : Nametab.visibility -> Libnames.full_path -> Tacexpr.ltac_constant -> unit
val locate_tactic : Libnames.qualid -> Tacexpr.ltac_constant
val locate_extended_all_tactic : Libnames.qualid -> Tacexpr.ltac_constant list
val exists_tactic : Libnames.full_path -> bool
val path_of_tactic : Tacexpr.ltac_constant -> Libnames.full_path
val shortest_qualid_of_tactic : Tacexpr.ltac_constant -> Libnames.qualid
type alias = Names.KerName.t
Type of tactic alias, used in the TacAlias
type alias_tactic = {
alias_args : Names.Id.t list; |
alias_body : Tacexpr.glob_tactic_expr; |
alias_deprecation : Deprecation.t option; |
Contents of a tactic notation
val register_alias : alias -> alias_tactic -> unit
Register a tactic alias.
val interp_alias : alias -> alias_tactic
Recover the body of an alias. Raises an anomaly if it does not exist.
val check_alias : alias -> bool
Returns true
if an alias is defined, false otherwise.
val register_ltac : bool -> bool -> ?deprecation:Deprecation.t -> Names.Id.t -> Tacexpr.glob_tactic_expr -> unit
Register a new Ltac with the given name and body.
The first boolean indicates whether this is done from ML side, rather than Rocq side. If the second boolean flag is set to true, then this is a local definition. It also puts the Ltac name in the nametab, so that it can be used unqualified.
val redefine_ltac : Libobject.locality -> Names.KerName.t -> Tacexpr.glob_tactic_expr -> unit
Replace a Ltac with the given name and body.
val interp_ltac : Names.KerName.t -> Tacexpr.glob_tactic_expr
Find a user-defined tactic by name. Raise Not_found
if it is absent.
val is_ltac_for_ml_tactic : Names.KerName.t -> bool
Whether the tactic is defined from ML-side
val tac_deprecation : Names.KerName.t -> Deprecation.t option
The tactic deprecation notice, if any
type ltac_entry = {
tac_for_ml : bool; | (* Whether the tactic is defined from ML-side *) |
tac_body : Tacexpr.glob_tactic_expr; | (* The current body of the tactic *) |
tac_redef : Names.ModPath.t list; | (* List of modules redefining the tactic in reverse chronological order *) |
tac_deprecation : Deprecation.t option; | (* Deprecation notice to be printed when the tactic is used *) |
val ltac_entries : unit -> ltac_entry Names.KNmap.t
Low-level access to all Ltac entries currently defined.
type ml_tactic = Geninterp.Val.t list -> Geninterp.interp_sign -> unit Proofview.tactic
Type of external tactics, used by TacML
val register_ml_tactic : ?overwrite:bool -> Tacexpr.ml_tactic_name -> ml_tactic array -> unit
Register an external tactic.
val interp_ml_tactic : Tacexpr.ml_tactic_entry -> ml_tactic
Get the named tactic. Raises a user error if it does not exist.