Module Aux_file

type aux_file
val load_aux_file_for : string -> aux_file
val empty_aux_file : aux_file
val get : ?⁠loc:Loc.t -> aux_file -> string -> string
val set : ?⁠loc:Loc.t -> aux_file -> string -> string -> aux_file
module H : Stdlib.Map.S with type H.key = int * int
module M : Stdlib.Map.S with type M.key = string
val contents : aux_file -> string M.t H.t
val aux_file_name_for : string -> string
val start_aux_file : aux_file:string -> v_file:string -> unit
val stop_aux_file : unit -> unit
val recording : unit -> bool
val record_in_aux_at : ?⁠loc:Loc.t -> string -> string -> unit
val record_in_aux : string -> string -> unit
val record_in_aux_set_at : ?⁠loc:Loc.t -> unit -> unit