Module Ssrsearch_plugin.G_search

val __coq_plugin_name : string
module CoqConstr = Constr
type raw_glob_search_about_item =
| RGlobSearchSubPattern of Constrexpr.constr_expr
| RGlobSearchString of Loc.t * string * string option
val pr_search_item : Environ.env -> Evd.evar_map -> raw_glob_search_about_item -> Pp.t
val wit_ssr_searchitem : raw_glob_search_about_item Genarg.uniform_genarg_type
val pr_ssr_search_item : Environ.env -> Evd.evar_map -> 'a -> 'b -> 'c -> raw_glob_search_about_item -> Pp.t
val is_ident : string -> bool
val is_ident_part : string -> bool
val interp_search_notation : ?⁠loc:Loc.t -> string -> Notation.delimiters option -> Search.glob_search_item
val wit_ssr_search_item : (raw_glob_search_about_itemraw_glob_search_about_itemraw_glob_search_about_item) Genarg.genarg_type
val ssr_search_item : raw_glob_search_about_item Pcoq.Entry.t
val pr_ssr_search_arg : Environ.env -> Evd.evar_map -> 'a -> 'b -> 'c -> (bool * raw_glob_search_about_item) list -> Pp.t
val wit_ssr_search_arg : ((bool * raw_glob_search_about_item) list(bool * raw_glob_search_about_item) list(bool * raw_glob_search_about_item) list) Genarg.genarg_type
val ssr_search_arg : (bool * raw_glob_search_about_item) list Pcoq.Entry.t
val splay_search_pattern : int -> Pattern.constr_pattern -> Names.GlobRef.t * int
val push_rels_assum : (Names.Name.t Context.binder_annot * EConstr.t) list -> Environ.env -> Environ.env
val coerce_search_pattern_to_sort : Pattern.constr_pattern -> bool * Pattern.constr_pattern
val interp_head_pat : Pattern.constr_pattern -> bool * (CoqConstr.constr -> bool)
val all_true : 'a -> bool
val interp_search_about : (bool * Search.glob_search_item) list -> (Names.GlobRef.t -> Decls.logical_kind option -> Environ.env -> Constr.constr -> bool) -> Names.GlobRef.t -> Decls.logical_kind option -> Environ.env -> Constr.constr -> bool
val interp_search_arg : (bool * raw_glob_search_about_item) list -> Names.GlobRef.t -> Decls.logical_kind option -> Environ.env -> Constr.constr -> bool
val pr_modloc : (bool * Libnames.qualid) -> Pp.t
val wit_ssrmodloc : (bool * Libnames.qualid) Genarg.uniform_genarg_type
val pr_ssr_modlocs : 'a -> 'b -> 'c -> (bool * Libnames.qualid) list -> Pp.t
val wit_ssr_modlocs : ((bool * Libnames.qualid) list(bool * Libnames.qualid) list(bool * Libnames.qualid) list) Genarg.genarg_type
val ssr_modlocs : (bool * Libnames.qualid) list Pcoq.Entry.t
val interp_modloc : (bool * Libnames.qualid) list -> Names.GlobRef.t -> Decls.logical_kind option -> Environ.env -> Constr.constr -> bool
val ssrdisplaysearch : Names.GlobRef.t -> Environ.env -> Constr.constr -> unit