Module Notation_gram

type precedence = int
type parenRelation =
| L
| E
| Any
| Prec of precedence
type tolerability = precedence * parenRelation
type level = Constrexpr.notation_entry * precedence * tolerability list * Extend.constr_entry_key list
type grammar_constr_prod_item =
| GramConstrTerminal of string Tok.p
| GramConstrNonTerminal of Extend.constr_prod_entry_key * Names.Id.t option
| GramConstrListMark of int * bool * int
type one_notation_grammar = {
notgram_level : level;
notgram_assoc : Gramlib.Gramext.g_assoc option;
notgram_notation : Constrexpr.notation;
notgram_prods : grammar_constr_prod_item list list;
type notation_grammar = {
notgram_onlyprinting : bool;
notgram_rules : one_notation_grammar list;