Library Coq.micromega.ZifyClasses

An alternative to zify in ML parametrised by user-provided classes instances.
The framework has currently several limitations that are in place for simplicity. For instance, we only consider binary operators of type Op: S -> S -> S. Another limitation is that our injection theorems e.g. TBOpInj, are using Leibniz equality; the payoff is that there is no need for morphisms...
An injection InjTyp S T declares an injection from source type S to target type T.
Class InjTyp (S : Type) (T : Type) :=
  mkinj {
      inj : S -> T;
      pred : T -> Prop;
      cstr : forall x, pred (inj x)

BinOp Op declares a source operator Op: S1 -> S2 -> S3.
Class BinOp {S1 S2 S3:Type} {T:Type} (Op : S1 -> S2 -> S3) {I1 : InjTyp S1 T} {I2 : InjTyp S2 T} {I3 : InjTyp S3 T} :=
  mkbop {
      TBOp : T -> T -> T;
      TBOpInj : forall (n:S1) (m:S2), inj (Op n m) = TBOp (inj n) (inj m)

Unop Op declares a source operator Op : S1 -> S2.
Class UnOp {S1 S2 T:Type} (Op : S1 -> S2) {I1 : InjTyp S1 T} {I2 : InjTyp S2 T} :=
  mkuop {
      TUOp : T -> T;
      TUOpInj : forall (x:S1), inj (Op x) = TUOp (inj x)

CstOp Op declares a source constant Op : S.
Class CstOp {S T:Type} (Op : S) {I : InjTyp S T} :=
  mkcst {
      TCst : T;
      TCstInj : inj Op = TCst

In the framework, Prop is mapped to Prop and the injection is phrased in terms of = instead of <->.
BinRel R declares the injection of a binary relation.
Class BinRel {S:Type} {T:Type} (R : S -> S -> Prop) {I : InjTyp S T} :=
    mkbrel {
        TR : T -> T -> Prop;
        TRInj : forall n m : S, R n m <-> TR (@inj _ _ I n) (inj m)

PropOp Op declares morphisms for <->. This will be used to deal with e.g. and, or,...
Class PropOp (Op : Prop -> Prop -> Prop) :=
  mkprop {
      op_iff : forall (p1 p2 q1 q2:Prop), (p1 <-> q1) -> (p2 <-> q2) -> (Op p1 p2 <-> Op q1 q2)

Class PropUOp (Op : Prop -> Prop) :=
  mkuprop {
      uop_iff : forall (p1 q1 :Prop), (p1 <-> q1) -> (Op p1 <-> Op q1)

Once the term is injected, terms can be replaced by their specification. NB1: The Ltac code is currently limited to (Op: Z -> Z -> Z) NB2: This is not sufficient to cope with Z.div or Z.mod
Class BinOpSpec {S T: Type} (Op : T -> T -> T) {I : InjTyp S T} :=
  mkbspec {
      BPred : T -> T -> T -> Prop;
      BSpec : forall x y, BPred x y (Op x y)

Class UnOpSpec {S T: Type} (Op : T -> T) {I : InjTyp S T} :=
  mkuspec {
      UPred : T -> T -> Prop;
      USpec : forall x, UPred x (Op x)

After injections, e.g. nat -> Z, the fact that Z.of_nat x * Z.of_nat y is positive is lost. This information can be recovered using instance of the Saturate class.
Class Saturate {T: Type} (Op : T -> T -> T) :=
  mksat {
Given Op x y,
  • PArg1 is the pre-condition of x
  • PArg2 is the pre-condition of y
  • PRes is the pos-condition of (Op x y)
      PArg1 : T -> Prop;
      PArg2 : T -> Prop;
      PRes : T -> Prop;
SatOk states the correctness of the reasoning
      SatOk : forall x y, PArg1 x -> PArg2 y -> PRes (Op x y)

The rest of the file is for internal use by the ML tactic. There are data-structures and lemmas used to inductively construct the injected terms.
The data-structures injterm and injected_prop are used to store source and target expressions together with a correctness proof.

Record injterm {S T: Type} {I : S -> T} :=
  mkinjterm { source : S ; target : T ; inj_ok : I source = target}.

Record injprop :=
  mkinjprop {
      source_prop : Prop ; target_prop : Prop ;
      injprop_ok : source_prop <-> target_prop}.

Lemmas for building injterm and injprop.

Definition mkprop_op (Op : Prop -> Prop -> Prop) (POp : PropOp Op)
           (p1 :injprop) (p2: injprop) : injprop :=
  {| source_prop := (Op (source_prop p1) (source_prop p2)) ;
     target_prop := (Op (target_prop p1) (target_prop p2)) ;
     injprop_ok := (op_iff (source_prop p1) (source_prop p2) (target_prop p1) (target_prop p2)
                            (injprop_ok p1) (injprop_ok p2))

Definition mkuprop_op (Op : Prop -> Prop) (POp : PropUOp Op)
           (p1 :injprop) : injprop :=
  {| source_prop := (Op (source_prop p1)) ;
     target_prop := (Op (target_prop p1)) ;
     injprop_ok := (uop_iff (source_prop p1) (target_prop p1) (injprop_ok p1))

Lemma mkapp2 (S1 S2 S3 T : Type) (Op : S1 -> S2 -> S3)
      {I1 : InjTyp S1 T} {I2 : InjTyp S2 T} {I3 : InjTyp S3 T}
         (B : @BinOp S1 S2 S3 T Op I1 I2 I3)
         (t1 : @injterm S1 T inj) (t2 : @injterm S2 T inj)
         : @injterm S3 T inj.

Lemma mkapp (S1 S2 T : Type) (Op : S1 -> S2)
      {I1 : InjTyp S1 T}
      {I2 : InjTyp S2 T}
      (B : @UnOp S1 S2 T Op I1 I2 )
      (t1 : @injterm S1 T inj)
         : @injterm S2 T inj.

Lemma mkapp0 (S T : Type) (Op : S)
      {I : InjTyp S T}
      (B : @CstOp S T Op I)
         : @injterm S T inj.

Lemma mkrel (S T : Type) (R : S -> S -> Prop)
         {Inj : InjTyp S T}
         (B : @BinRel S T R Inj)
         (t1 : @injterm S T inj) (t2 : @injterm S T inj)
         : @injprop.

Registering constants for use by the plugin