Library Coq.Arith.Lt

Strict order on natural numbers.

This file is OBSOLETE, see Arith_base instead.

Require Export Arith_prebase.


#[deprecated(since="8.16",note="The Arith.Lt file is obsolete. Use Nat.lt_irrefl instead.")]
Notation lt_irrefl := Nat.lt_irrefl (only parsing).

Relationship between le and lt

#[deprecated(since="8.16",note="The Arith.Lt file is obsolete. Use the bidirectional version Nat.le_succ_l instead.")]
Notation lt_le_S := Arith_prebase.lt_le_S_stt.
#[deprecated(since="8.16",note="The Arith.Lt file is obsolete. Use the bidirectional version Nat.lt_succ_r instead.")]
Notation lt_n_Sm_le := Arith_prebase.lt_n_Sm_le_stt.
#[deprecated(since="8.16",note="The Arith.Lt file is obsolete. Use the bidirectional version Nat.lt_succ_r instead.")]
Notation le_lt_n_Sm := Arith_prebase.le_lt_n_Sm_stt (only parsing).
#[deprecated(since="8.16",note="The Arith.Lt file is obsolete. Use the bidirectional version Nat.le_ngt instead.")]
Notation le_not_lt := Arith_prebase.le_not_lt_stt.
#[deprecated(since="8.16",note="The Arith.Lt file is obsolete. Use the bidirectional version Nat.lt_nge instead.")]
Notation lt_not_le := Arith_prebase.lt_not_le_stt.


#[deprecated(since="8.16",note="The Arith.Lt file is obsolete. Use Nat.lt_asymm instead.")]
Notation lt_asym := Nat.lt_asymm (only parsing).

Order and 0

#[deprecated(since="8.16",note="The Arith.Lt file is obsolete. Use Nat.lt_0_succ instead.")]
Notation lt_0_Sn := Nat.lt_0_succ (only parsing). #[deprecated(since="8.16",note="The Arith.Lt file is obsolete. Use Nat.nlt_0_r instead.")]
Notation lt_n_0 := Nat.nlt_0_r (only parsing). #[deprecated(since="8.16",note="The Arith.Lt file is obsolete. Use the bidirectional version Nat.neq_0_lt_0 (together with Nat.neq_sym) instead.")]
Notation neq_0_lt := Arith_prebase.neq_0_lt_stt.
#[deprecated(since="8.16",note="The Arith.Lt file is obsolete. Use the bidirectional version Nat.neq_0_lt_0 (together with Nat.neq_sym) instead.")]
Notation lt_0_neq := Arith_prebase.lt_0_neq_stt.

Order and successor

#[deprecated(since="8.16",note="The Arith.Lt file is obsolete. Use Nat.lt_succ_diag_r instead.")]
Notation lt_n_Sn := Nat.lt_succ_diag_r (only parsing). #[deprecated(since="8.16",note="The Arith.Lt file is obsolete. Use Nat.lt_lt_succ_r instead.")]
Notation lt_S := Nat.lt_lt_succ_r (only parsing). #[deprecated(since="8.16",note="The Arith.Lt file is obsolete. Use the bidirectional version Nat.succ_lt_mono instead.")]
Notation lt_n_S := Arith_prebase.lt_n_S_stt.
#[deprecated(since="8.16",note="The Arith.Lt file is obsolete. Use the bidirectional version Nat.succ_lt_mono instead.")]
Notation lt_S_n := Arith_prebase.lt_S_n_stt.


Definition S_pred_stt := fun n m Hlt => eq_sym (Nat.lt_succ_pred m n Hlt).
Opaque S_pred_stt.
#[deprecated(since="8.16",note="The Arith.Lt file is obsolete. Use Nat.lt_succ_pred (with symmetry of equality) instead.")]
Notation S_pred := S_pred_stt.
Definition S_pred_pos_stt := fun n Hlt => eq_sym (Nat.lt_succ_pred 0 n Hlt).
Opaque S_pred_pos_stt.
#[deprecated(since="8.16",note="The Arith.Lt file is obsolete. Use Nat.lt_succ_pred (with symmetry of equality) instead.")]
Notation S_pred_pos := S_pred_pos_stt (only parsing).
#[deprecated(since="8.16",note="The Arith.Lt file is obsolete. Use the bidirectional version Nat.lt_succ_lt_pred instead.")]
Notation lt_pred := Arith_prebase.lt_pred_stt.
#[deprecated(since="8.16",note="The Arith.Lt file is obsolete. Use Nat.lt_pred_l (together with Nat.neq_0_lt_0) instead.")]
Notation lt_pred_n_n := Arith_prebase.lt_pred_n_n_stt.

Transitivity properties

#[deprecated(since="8.16",note="The Arith.Lt file is obsolete. Use Nat.lt_trans instead.")]
Notation lt_trans := Nat.lt_trans (only parsing).
#[deprecated(since="8.16",note="The Arith.Lt file is obsolete. Use Nat.lt_le_trans instead.")]
Notation lt_le_trans := Nat.lt_le_trans (only parsing).
#[deprecated(since="8.16",note="The Arith.Lt file is obsolete. Use Nat.le_lt_trans instead.")]
Notation le_lt_trans := Nat.le_lt_trans (only parsing).

Large = strict or equal

#[deprecated(since="8.16",note="The Arith.Lt file is obsolete. Use Nat.lt_eq_cases instead.")]
Notation le_lt_or_eq_iff := Nat.lt_eq_cases (only parsing).
Definition le_lt_or_eq_stt := fun n m => proj1 (Nat.lt_eq_cases n m).
Opaque le_lt_or_eq_stt.
#[deprecated(since="8.16",note="The Arith.Lt file is obsolete. Use the bidirectional version Nat.lt_eq_cases instead.")]
Notation le_lt_or_eq := le_lt_or_eq_stt.
#[deprecated(since="8.16",note="The Arith.Lt file is obsolete. Use Nat.lt_le_incl instead.")]
Notation lt_le_weak := Nat.lt_le_incl (only parsing).


#[deprecated(since="8.16",note="The Arith.Lt file is obsolete. Use Nat.le_gt_cases instead.")]
Notation le_or_lt := Nat.le_gt_cases (only parsing). #[local]
Definition nat_total_order_stt := fun n m => proj1 (Nat.lt_gt_cases n m).
Opaque nat_total_order_stt.
#[deprecated(since="8.16",note="The Arith.Lt file is obsolete. Use the bidirectional version Nat.lt_gt_cases instead.")]
Notation nat_total_order := nat_total_order_stt.

Require Import Le.