Creating new tactics

The languages presented in this chapter allow one to build complex tactics by combining existing ones with constructs such as conditionals and looping. While Ltac was initially thought of as a language for doing some basic combinations, it has been used successfully to build highly complex tactics as well, but this has also highlighted its limits and fragility. The language Ltac2 is a typed and more principled variant which is more adapted to building complex tactics.

There are other solutions beyond these two tactic languages to write new tactics:

  • Mtac2 is an external plugin which provides another typed tactic language. While Ltac2 belongs to the ML language family, Mtac2 reuses the language of Rocq itself as the language to build Rocq tactics.

  • Coq-Elpi is an external plugin which provides an extension language based on λProlog, a programming language well suited to write code which manipulates syntax trees with binders such as Rocq terms. Elpi provides an extensive set of APIs to create commands (i.e. script the vernacular language) and tactics.

  • The most traditional way of building new complex tactics is to write a Rocq plugin in OCaml. Beware that this requires much more effort. Furthermore, Rocq's OCaml API can change from release to release without backward compatibility support, which can cause a significant ongoing maintenance burden. A tutorial for writing Rocq plugins is available in the Rocq repository in doc/plugin_tutorial.